EMBUDEK is an innovative device that eliminates the need to pour various oils directly into sinks and toilets.

Unfortunately, most citizens admit they dispose of oil precisely in this way.
It’s no wonder; currently, there is no available device on the market to facilitate the storage and subsequent recycling of oil in a simple and environmentally safe way.
EMBUDEK is an ecological funnel, designed and developed by Maciej Budek – a Polish/Spanish technical engineer and entrepreneur, that solves this problem.

The idea is to create, in each kitchen, a permanent point for the homogenized storage of used oil.

Just as many households today have repositories for recycling different materials, i.e., glass, paper, packaging etc., as well as outlets for organic waste it is essential to offer citizens proper disposal of used oil.
These oils usually result from frying, canned food and other oily leftovers.
The existing method of storing used oil in households is complicated since it must be accumulated in some type of closed container to prevent odor or spillage. The average citizen generally does not know how or where to store it during this time, nor where to deposit for recycling afterward.
The main advantage of EMBUDEK is the simplicity of its installation and the easy usage. You can install your device either on the kitchen countertop, inside a cupboard, or under the sink.

“I have always been concerned about the environment and I am personally very affected by the lack of solutions in this area.

I would like people to take more responsibility for the environment that is becoming increasingly polluted.

We must work together to segregate, store, reuse and then recycle household oil, to reduce the pollution of our rivers and seas”.

Maciek Budek